Category / Lab news

  • A Nature paper led by former lab member Suzanne Birner was published yesterday. The study describes rocks from the seafloor collected in the Arctic, Indian, and Pacific oceans. These peridotite samples have unusually low oxygen fugacity (a thermodynamic variable that describes an aspect of the system’s chemistry). In the study, we then use thermodynamic modeling […]

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  • May 17, 2024 - Jessica M Warren

    Kuan-Yu Lin successfully defends his thesis!

    Congratulations to PhD student Kuan-Yu Lin on his successful thesis defense. Kuan-Yu presented his research on “Trace Elements in Mantle Olivine: Implications for Mantle Dynamics and Evolution of the Oceanic Lithosphere” to a pack room in Penny Hall and a large Zoom audience.

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  • February 5, 2024 - Jessica M Warren

    The Expert Is In!

    Join graduate student Kuan-Yu Lin at the National Museum of Natural History for an Expert Is In event on Monday February 2nd from 1-3pm. Kuan-Yu will discuss his recent work on a sea expedition, including drilling the ocean floor to uncover the secrets of early life. More information on this event in the Janet Annenberg […]

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  • December 10, 2023 - Jessica M Warren

    AGU presentations by Lin and Grambling

    The Warren Lab is presenting at the AGU 2023 Fall Meeting in San Francisco, CA! Nadine Grambling will present results of her experiments on olivine fabric development and their comparison to field samples from the Talkeetna Arc in Alaska. Nadine’s talk is on Tuesday, 12 December 2023 at 11:28-11:38 PST in Moscone South 151. Kuan-Yu […]

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  • Read UD graduate student Abigail Nalesnik’s Volcano Watch blog post for the USGS!

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  • Kuan-Yu Lin’s article exploring trace elements in abyssal peridotite olivine is available here. Lin, KY., Warren, J.M. & Davis, F.A. Trace elements in abyssal peridotite olivine record melting, thermal evolution, and melt refertilization in the oceanic upper mantle. Contrib Mineral Petrol 178, 66 (2023).

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  • May 27, 2023 - Jessica M Warren

    Congratulations to Melinda Bahruth!

    Melinda Bahruth graduated on Saturday with her Master’s degree in Geological Sciences. Congratulations Mindy!

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  • This Science news article by Paul Voosen highlights the amazing success of the International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 399 to Atlantis Massif. Scroll down for a photo of University of Delaware graduate student Kuan-Yu Lin analyzing rocks samples aboard the ship!

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  • April 12, 2023 - Jessica M Warren

    Kuan-Yu Lin sails on IODP Expedition 399

    Graduate student Kuan-Yu Lin set sail in April for the Atlantis Massif (~30N, 42W in the Atlantic Ocean) on the drill ship Joides Resolution. He is participating in Expedition 399 “Building Blocks of Life, Atlantis Massif” of the International Ocean Discovery Program. Follow the progress of the expedition here. Read more about Kuan-Yu’s research here.

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  • April 4, 2023 - Jessica M Warren

    UD Lab School kindergarteners learn about rocks

    The kindergarten class from the UD Lab School came to Penny Hall to learn about rocks on Tuesday afternoon. They were excited to hold pieces of magma, look at fossils, and see fluorescing minerals!

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