Category / Lab news

  • Sierra Patterson’s recent paper on deep hydrothermal alteration of Gakkel peridotites is now available as an open access article from Lithos. Thanks to the Department of Earth Sciences at UD for supporting the costs of open access publishing! Patterson, S.N., K.J. Lynn, C. Prigent, J.M. Warren, 2021. High temperature hydrothermal alteration and amphibole formation in […]

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  • March 23, 2021 - Jessica M Warren

    Review article on anisotropy

    A review article by Lars Hansen, Manuele Faccenda, and Jessica Warren has been published in Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, as part of a special issue on physical properties and observations of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system. Download via this link through May 12, 2021: L.N. Hansen, M. Faccenda, J.M. Warren, 2021. A review […]

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  • September 1, 2020 - Jessica M Warren

    Cecile Prigent joins IPGP as an associate professor

    Congratulations to former UD postdoc Cecile Prigent on her new position as an associate professor at Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris! Find out more about Cecile’s work here.

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  • Welcome to new student Abigail Nalesnik, who is starting a Master’s degree in Geological Sciences at the University of Delaware. Abby completed her undergraduate degree at Salisbury University in eastern Maryland, with a major in Earth Science and minors in Biology and Geography.

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  • Congratulations to former UD postdoc Kendra J. Lynn on her move to the U.S. Geological Survey as a Research Geologist at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory! Find out more about Kendra’s research here.

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  • Katie Kumamoto’s two part study of shear zones in the Josephine Peridotite is now published in AGU journals: Kumamoto, K.M., J.M. Warren, and E.H. Hauri, 2019. Evolution of the Josephine Peridotite shear zones: 1. Compositional variation and shear initiation, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20, 5765-5785, doi:10.1029/2019GC008399. Kumamoto, K.M.†, J.M. Warren, and L.N. Hansen, 2019. Evolution of […]

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  • December 19, 2019 - Jessica M Warren

    Cecile Prigent’s paper is live

    Postdoctoral scientist Cecile Prigent’s study of deep seawater flow in oceanic transform faults is now published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters. The paper can be downloaded for free through Feb 7, 2020 using this link. Prigent, Warren, Kohli, and Teyssier, 2020. Fracture-mediated deep seawater flow and mantle hydration on oceanic transform faults, Earth and […]

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  • UD Undergraduate Raphael Affinito spent part of last summer looking at deformation fabrics in melt-bearing peridotites from the Josephine Peridotite in Oregon. He is presenting the results of his summer research in the AGU Virtual Poster Showcase this fall. You can view it here or download the poster here.

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  • June 14, 2019 - Jessica M Warren

    Profile of volcanologist Kendra J. Lynn

    The College of Earth, Ocean, & Environment at the University of Delaware has just published a profile of group member Kendra J. Lynn!

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  • June 1, 2019 - Jessica M Warren

    Sierra Patterson graduates!

    UD undergraduate and Mantle Processes group member Sierra Patterson was awarded her BS in Geological Sciences today! Congratulations Sierra!! Sierra will complete her work on Gakkel peridotites this summer, then move to the University of South Carolina to start her Master’s degree with Michael Bizimis.

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