
I am currently looking for students to join my lab in Fall 2025! Projects will focus on geochemical and rock deformation processes in ultramafic rocks, including a research cruise to the Chain transform fault in the equatorial Atlantic. More information for prospective students is here.

The Mantle Processes Group

Prof. Jessica Warren’s lab in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Delaware examines the processes that drive the formation and evolution of tectonic plates. Areas of research include plate creation by melting and melt extraction, deformation at localized plate boundaries, and modification of plates during collision and volcanism.

We focus on outcrops of peridotite and basalt on land and at sea that represent the oceanic lithosphere, with field localities that include ophiolites, orogenic peridotites, ridge transform faults, and ocean islands. Much of our work uses peridotite, which is the dominant lithology of the upper mantle and consists of olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene, with minor amounts of spinel and sulfide. We integrate geochemical, petrological, rheological, and structural techniques to provide unique constraints on the dynamics, deformation, and compositional evolution of the mantle. Our goal is to improve current understanding of the processes that drive plate tectonics, which shape the surface of the earth.

Research Opportunities
As a group, we are committed to creating an inclusive environment where everyone can conduct enjoyable and high-quality research.

  • K-12 Educators: Our group enjoys meeting with classes and has developed materials about volcanoes, earthquakes, and seafloor science to share with students. I encourage you to email me (warrenj at udel dot edu) if you are interested in scheduling a session.
  • Undergraduates: I often have projects available for the spring/summer/fall semesters. The earlier you contact me, the easier it is to plan based on your interests and availability.
  • Graduate students: I am always excited to hear from enthusiastic students! More information is available here.
  • Postdocs: I enjoy hearing from prospective postdocs. Position availability is dependent on funding, but I am happy to discuss possible projects and explore funding opportunities!
The Mantle Processes Group, Fall 2022